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Re: Workers Paradise. /Political rant.

>And this?  Mr. Green hardly advocated an authortarian regime, quite the
>contrary, he simply advocated one which refused to hand out money to every
>outstretched hand.

and the hands are usually those of a forgein government anyway...not 
the "starving masses". Not only is the money I pay as tax be used 
for funding the country I am in...but also the military in others.

> In article <Pine.3.89.9609152124.A20702-0100000@netcom9>,
> Lucky Green  <shamrock@netcom.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, 15 Sep 1996, Dale Thorn wrote:
> > > Just a comment: "The world population really should go back to around 
> > > one billion", etc. And how could we achieve that without severe govt. 
> > > oppression, one wonders?
> > 
> > Quite simple. End all food and medical aid to developing countries paid 
> > for with money stolen at gunpoint from our citizens. Or make Norplant 
> > implants the condition for financial/in kind aid. Both US and 
> > abroad.

>And this?  Mr. Green hardly advocated an authortarian regime, quite the
>contrary, he simply advocated one which refused to hand out money to every
>outstretched hand.

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