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Re: Risk v. Charity (was: RE: Workers Paradise. /Political rant

> And what am I paying for...to protect the status quo. I believe that 
> there is more than enough help for ppl available. They just need to 
> get off their butts and work.

Do we really need your amatuer political views?

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely  exercised for the good of its victims  
 may be the most  oppressive.  It may be better to live under  robber barons  
 than  under  omnipotent  moral busybodies,  The robber baron's  cruelty may  
 sometimes sleep,  his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who  
 torment us for own good  will torment us  without end,  for they do so with 
 the approval of their own conscience."    -   C.S. Lewis, _God in the Dock_ 
|Julian Assange RSO   | PO Box 2031 BARKER | Secret Analytic Guy Union        |
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|proff@gnu.ai.mit.edu | FAX +61-3-98199066 | 0619737CCC143F6DEA73E27378933690 |