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Cryptologie: Conference internationale - 25 SEPT - Paris
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The Public Voice and the Development of
International Encryption Policy
Sponsored by
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Global Internet Liberty Campaign
Internet Privacy Coaltion
Open Society Institute - Soros Foundation
Planete Internet
September 25, 1996
Centre de Conf�rence Internationale
19 Avenue Kleber, Paris 16, France
Program, registration and further information (English):
Or (French)
PARIS, September 16 � The international developement of the Internet leads
governments, users organisations and corporations to find a compromise for
the use and disposal of encryption, which allows to keep the secrecy of
digital communications.
Governments want to keep the possibility to intervene on communications in
order to fight computer crime. The industry (private companies) search a
way to keep an eye on their communications' integrity not to erode their
competitivity. And privacy organisations want to preserve citizens' privacy
and freedom of speech in expression networks such as the Internet.
Before a meeting of governmental experts (under the auspices of the OECD
Sept 26, 27 in Paris), the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a
Washington, DC-based organisation, asked scientists, international right
jurists and associations to meet on September 25 for a conference.
The conference will stresses on legal aspects of computer-based secrecy,
based on propositions made by some countris to create a regime of
"encryption under conditions" (encryption under control), on the Trusted
Third Party Services (TTP) scheme. Companies that will keep encryption keys
of corporations and individuals would have to keep them at disposition of
law enforcement authorities. Who will play this TTP role? Which garanty for
end users? EPIC asked the world's most valuable experts to answer these
find the whole and last one at
Cryptographers: Zimmermann (PGP Inc), Diffie (Sun, pub-key system
inventor), Anderson (Cambridge U., UK), Blaze (Bell Lab), etc.
Scientists and experts: Horibe (Hitotsubashi U.), Carpenter (IAB), Simons
(ACM), etc.
Privacy advocates from EPIC (Rotenberg, Banisar), ACLU (Steinhardt),
Privacy International (Davies), and French League for Human Rights.
Officials and/or governmental experts from : OECE crypto & security ad hox
commissions, Attorney General Dept and High Court (Australia), Economic
Ministry (Germany), Austrian Law Institute, etc.
� USA:
EPIC: Mark Rotenberg <rotenberg@epic.org>, Dave Banisar <banisar@epic.org>.
666 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20003. +1 202 544 9240
(tel), +1 202 547 5482 (fax)
Planete Internet (Net Press), Paris: Xavier Cany <cany@netpress.fr>, Jerome
Thorel <thorel@netpress.fr>. 191 Av. Aristide Briand, F-94230 Cachan. +33 1
49 08 58 33 (tel), +33 1 49 08 58 31 (fax).
Jerome Thorel * Planete Internet
Journaliste / ID#72052 * Editor / Redak chef
191 Av. A. Briand * Tel : (331) 49085830
94230 CACHAN * web : www.netpress.fr