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Re: Free RSA chip

At 01:04 PM 9/16/96 -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
>I secured a 30 page data sheet for the new NTT (actually NLC, a subsidiary
>of NTT) RSA accelerator chips. The NLC0048 LSI chip can handle keys up to
>1024 bits. The secret key can be stored on-chip. If you want a copy of the
>data sheet, email me your fax number. 
>Furthermore, I have *one* sample chip that I am willing to loan to 
>somebody in the SF Bay Area with sufficient hardware knowledge to put the 
>chip to good use. If you think you qualify, let me know who you are and 
>why you think that you should get the chip. I apologize in advance to the 
>qualified candidates that do not get the chip. There is only one (that I 
>can loan out).

I don't want the chip, but I'd like to know a few things.

1.  How much of a secure telephone does it contain?

a.  voice A/D/A?

b.  modem A/D/A DSP?

c.  Keyboard multiplex?

d.  control microprocessor?

e.  Encryption section?

2.  Is there any indication that NT+T has worked with any other 
manufacturers to design some sort of inter-telephone negotiation standard, 
one that would allow the kind of inter-compatibility that modems have today?

Jim Bell