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Re: Jena Remailer

Sorry to followup on myself, but I made a mistake in the help file.

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, William Ono wrote:

> How do I ..
> ~~~~~~~~~~~

> ..request Email to be delivered?
>  - Create a file containing the following:
>      Reply-To: address@for.delivery
>    Leave a blank line after the header.
>  - Save the file.
>  - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node filename' to sign the mail
>     with the nym's key, and encrypt it for the server.
   - Mail the result to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de with a Subject: send

Sorry about that, folks.

William Ono <wmono@direct.ca>                                PGP Key: F3F716BD
 fingerprint = A8 0D B9 0F 40 A7 D6 64  B3 00 04 74 FD A7 12 C9 = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!           "640k ought to be enough for everybody."