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Re: Jena Remailer

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Mixmaster wrote:

> The trickiest thing about it - by far - is the inscrutable English
> translation of the helpfile.  I have been trying for over a week to make
> Can any native English speaker please paraphrase the account start-up
> procedure for us?

I took a stab at re-writing the help file, and I've attached it below.
The operator of jena might want to use it instead of the help file
currently being distributed, after correcting any errors and adding the
German sections back in.

IMHO, the How do I.. section is the most useful.

I believe these instructions are correct -- I was able to follow them to
create a nym, and use it.  YMMV.

William Ono <wmono@direct.ca>                                PGP Key: F3F716BD
 fingerprint = A8 0D B9 0F 40 A7 D6 64  B3 00 04 74 FD A7 12 C9 = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!           "640k ought to be enough for everybody."

Pseudonymous Server Help

This pseudonymous server allows private, pseudonymous communication.  When
used with chained remailers, true pseudonymity without fear of a connection
to a real address can be achieved.

Some things to remember about this server:

 - When creating a pseudonym, a special PGP key created for this purpose is
   sent to the server.  This will be used to name the pseudonym, and assign
   a Email address.

    * The hexadecimal key-ID forms the Email address.  For example, if the
      nym's key is 0x01020304, the address will be:

    * The user-ID of the key contains the pseudonym, only.  Note: This is
      different from the convention, which is to include the Email address
      in angle brackets.

 - To publish something under a pseudonym, send a encrypted, signed email
   to this server, which will post it to one or more Usenet newsgroups,
   or send it via Email.

 - Anyone is able to reply to items published under a pseudonym.  Anything
   sent to the pseudonym's Email address is stored on the server, encrypted
   with the pseudonym's public key.

 - Because the server does not know (and does not want to know) the true
   identity behind a pseudonym, mail cannot be delivered directly.

 - Mail is delivered only when a signed, encrypted request is received from
   a nym.  At this time, all waiting mail is sent to the address specified
   in the encrypted message.

 - The server never answers.  If something goes wrong, the job will be
   dropped silently.

All commands are sent in the Subject: header of the unencrypted
(plaintext) message, and should be Emailed to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de
There are two commands:

 help - sends the server's help file.

 send - delivers waiting mail.  The body of the Email should be a signed,
         encrypted message with a Reply-To: header, which is where the
         mail will be delivered via Mixmaster remailers.  (The key that
         the body is signed with determines which nym's mail is delivered.)
         The nym's mail spool is then purged.  To prevent replay attacks,
         the signature must be less than 48 hours old.  If the signature
         is not valid, the request is bounced and the headers are saved,
         encrypted, in the nym's mail spool.

If no valid command is found in the Subject: header, the body is checked for
a signed, encrypted (to the server) message.

If the signature is from a keyID belonging to an existing nym, and the
check fails, the headers are saved, encrypted, in the nym's mailspool.  This
is to alert the owner of the nym to a possible spoof attempt.

If the signature check fails because the keyID that the signature is from
is unknown, the decrypted body is assumed to contain a public key for a
new nym, which will be added to the server's database.

If the signature is valid, the decrypted body should be a header for the
outbound mail, followed by a blank line, then the body for the outbound
mail.  The following are headers considered valid by the server:

 * Subject: (or Anon-Subject:)

 * To: (or Anon-To:)

 * References:

 * Newsgroups: (or Post-To: or Anon-Post-To:)

 * Followup-To: (or Anon-Followup-To:)
    - This must be specified as a -single- newsgroup if cross-posting

All outbound messages has Precedence: junk to silently drop error messages.

If any of the above conditions are not met, the server will silently drop
the job.

This server must not be used to transmit illegal materials, flames, or
binary data.  I may disable nyms that misuse the server.

The German telecommunication laws may require me to modify the server to
allow access to intelligence agencies without notification.  You are
advised to use Mixmaster remailers and other alias servers -- it is
recommended that you do not request mail to be sent to your own Email

How do I ..

..create an identity?

 - Run 'pgp -kg' to generate a new key.

    + Select your keysize.  (a 1204-bit or larger key is recommented)

    + Enter your pseudonym as the user-ID.  Do not enter an Email address.

    + Enter a passphrase.  (Make sure not to forget it!)

 - Run 'pgp -kxa "pseudonym" > anonid.asc' to extract your public key.

 - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node anonid.asc' to sign and
    encrypt the extracted key for the server.

 - Mail the result to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de with a Subject: header that
    does not include the words 'help' or 'send'  (It is recommened that
    you do this through one or more anonymous remailers.)

 - Test your nym by posting to a test group (de.test is recommended due
    to the location of the server) and wait several days before requesting
    mail delivery.

 - If it didn't work, repeat the entire procedure.  It's possible that the
    key-ID already exists in the server's database and belongs to another

..Email a message?

 - Write the mail body, remembering not to include any information about
    your true identity.

 - Add the following headers at the top of the mail:

     To: destination@of.mail
     Subject: Outbound mail's subject line

   Leave a blank line between the headers and the body.

 - Save the file.

 - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node filename' to sign the mail
    with the nym's key, and encrypt it for the server.

 - Mail the result to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de with a Subject: header that
    does not include the words 'help' or 'send'  (It is recommened that
    you do this through one or more anonymous remailers.)

..post an article?

 - Write the article's body, remembering not to include any information
    about your true identity.

 - Add the following headers at the top of the mail:

     Newsgroups: a.newsgroup.name
     Subject: Article's subject line

   (If cross-posting, remember that a Followup-To: header is required.)

   Leave a blank line between the headers and the body.

 - Save the file.

 - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node filename' to sign the mail
    with the nym's key, and encrypt it for the server.

 - Mail the result to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de with a Subject: header that
    does not include the words 'help' or 'send'  (It is recommened that
    you do this through one or more anonymous remailers.)

..request Email to be delivered?

 - Create a file containing the following:

     Reply-To: address@for.delivery

   Leave a blank line after the header.

 - Save the file.

 - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node filename' to sign the mail
    with the nym's key, and encrypt it for the server.

 - Mail the result to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de with a Subject: header that
    does not include the words 'help' or 'send'  (It is recommened that
    you do this through one or more anonymous remailers.)

Things to remember

 - Never send mail directly to the server.  Always use at least one remailer
    to hide your identity.  The best way to protect yourself against a
    police 'request' is to ensure that the server cannot determine your

 - Use Mixmaster remailers for increased protection.  Use
    mixmaster@as-node.jena.thur.de as the final hop to defeat traffic

 - Never request a delivery to your real Email address.

Typ  Bits/ID       Datum      Benutzer
Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
�ff  1024/D3305539 1996/05/01 Jenaer Anonymous Service <anon@as-node.jena.thur.de>

Version: 2.6.3i


Jenaer Mixmaster Anonserver
jenanon mixmaster@as-node.jena.thur.de 54e0023828fabe0b85e83b3d458134e3 2.0.3

-----Begin Mix Key-----
-----End Mix Key-----