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Christian IP Network / Re: Webpage picketing (fwd)

John Deters wrote: 
> (This brings to mind another solution:  "The Christian IP Network.
> Guaranteed to not deliver unto you the E-vil packets of the Demons of
> Pornographers, Terrorists, Narcotics Traffickers, Money Launderers or
> Cypherpunks.  We're the ISP that delivers only Family-Valued, God-Blessed
> and Jesus-Approved packets to your customers.  Send lots of money now,
> censors are standing by."  

  If Jesus has a sense of humor, then when he comes back he will make
the announcement only on sites blocked by CyberSitter.
(I will forward the announcement to the list for the benefit of those
list members whose subscription to the "Hot Teenage Sluts" website has
