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Cars Re: FBI calls for mandatory key escrow

At 08:43 AM 9/4/97 -0500, amp wrote:
>> I noticed that strange air bag analogy myself. Clearly, Freeh and his
>> puppet masters are trying to skew the discussion towards "public safety".
>> Of course, requiring GAK is more like requiring a remote kill switch in 
>> ignition of all new cars so cops can just type a license plate number 
>> their terminal to halt a fleeing car. [BTW, such kill switches will be
>> required before long. I trust we all know this].
>Already implemented actually. All modern automobiles have a rather 
>respectable amount of computing power that is vulnerable to directed radio 
>frequency weapons, whose effect to microelectronics is similar to an 
>electromatic pulse. =This= is what is driving the push to get older 
>vehicles off the road, not environmentalist's arguments about 'global 

Actually, the current trick is to launch a little rocket-powered cart with
some form of electronic measure under the fleeing car from behind.  It
fizzles the electronics pretty well on contact with the bottom of the
oilpan.  Anyone know if one of those protectors that you can get for your
oil pan would deflect this if it were mounted on rubber washers with teflon