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Re: Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II), (fwd)
Forwarded message:
> From: amp@pobox.com
> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 10:32:28 -0500
> Subject: Re: Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II), (fwd)
> You miss the point entirely. This is =not= supposed to be a democracy. That
> is why we have a constitution (theoretically a set of restrictions upon the
> powers of government), and bill of rights.
This is most certainly a democracy, it's called a representative democracy.
That we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights is a measure of the
founding fathers wisdom but by no means are either required to have a
democracy, nor do either by definition eliminate a governmental form from
being a democracy.
> > > 2. In a democracy, you can't have property rights because 51% can
> > > capriciously decide to confiscate anyone's property.
That depends on how the founders define the democracy. The definition of a
democracy does NOT define the system put in place merely who has a say in
how it runs.
You're painting with way too broad a brush. Like most things simply being a
cat does not equate all cats to be the same. This also applies to
democracies, there is plenty of room to manuever when designing it.
> > Since there are no true democracies extant your point is moot.
> There have been, that is why the point is not moot. The point is, we are
> becoming one, with the advent of instant polling and politicians and
> citizens who obviously can't read as simple a document as the constitution.
Where? When? No government ever implimented by man has ever been a true
anything. Not democracy, communism, etc. They are all hybrids of one sort or
For there to be a true democracy as you seem to define it we would require
every man, woman, and child to carry a vote and be required to vote on each
and every issue. No government in history has had this much prosperity or
homogoneity in the desires of the people.
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| The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there |
| be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. |
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| -Alan Greenspan- |
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