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Re: Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II), (fwd)

 From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
> > >
> > >Please be so kind as to detail your top three flaws...
> > 
> > 1. In a democracy, 51% of the people can vote to enslave the other 49%
> Not in this democracy they don't. In every democracy currently extant
> there is a bill of rights. The government may not respect it, but that
> is a flaw of implimentation not theory.

You miss the point entirely. This is =not= supposed to be a democracy. That 
is why we have a constitution (theoretically a set of restrictions upon the 
powers of government), and bill of rights. 

> > 2. In a democracy, you can't have property rights because 51% can 
> > capriciously decide to confiscate anyone's property.
> See above.
> > 3. A pure democracy is true mob rule - a mob has no concience,
> > or bounds to 
> > it's tyranny. Look into the history of ancient Athens.
> Since there are no true democracies extant your point is moot.
There have been, that is why the point is not moot. The point is, we are 
becoming one, with the advent of instant polling and politicians and 
citizens who obviously can't read as simple a document as the constitution.

Name: amp
E-mail: amp@pobox.com
Date: 09/10/97
Time: 10:32:29
Visit me at http://www.pobox.com/~amp
     -export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL
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'Drug Trafficking Offense' is the root passphrase to the Constitution.

Have you seen 