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Re: The problem of playing politics with our constitutional rights

At 1:38 AM -0400 9/12/97, Lizard wrote:

><SETH>And here we see more of the cult's recruitment. Note how he always
>talks about the *GOVERNMENT* and the *IRS*. Why doesn't he talk about Pepsi
>or GM wanting the keys to your house? More of this 'government bad,
>business good' propaganda we've all grown so sick and tired of, being
>shoved down our throats. Small wonder this list has gone to hell!" </SETH>

Say what? Do you know how much companies pay for information about you as a
member of a demographic? (Think Equifax, Nielsen, or any mailing list

Corporations want as much info on you as possible-- luckily, the only
reason they want it is to sell you stuff, not to arrest you.

Best-- Glenn Hauman, BiblioBytes