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Re: Cypherpunks write GAK

>Security And Freedom Through Encryption:
>This patch adds a Law Enforcement Access Field to PGP 2.6.3i, which
>can be used to provide, upon presentment of a court order, immediate
>access to plaintext data.
>This tool will frustrate illegal and deadly activity of terrorist
>groups that plot to blow up buildings, drug cartels that seek to
>poison our children, and those who proliferate in deadly chemical and
>biological weapons, and will bring international criminals to justice.
>diff -u ../pgp263i/src/armor.c ./armor.c
>--- ../pgp263i/src/armor.c	Wed Jan 17 21:37:20 1996
>+++ ./armor.c	Sat Sep 13 03:30:57 1997
>@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
> static int armordecode(FILE * in, FILE * out, int *warned);
> static void mk_crctbl(crcword poly);
> static boolean is_armorfile(char *infile);
>+extern char leaf[];
> /*      Begin ASCII armor routines.
>    This converts a binary file into printable ASCII characters, in a
>@@ -597,6 +598,13 @@
> 		1, noSections);
>     }
>     fprintf(outFile, "Version: %s\n", LANG(rel_version));
>+    if (leaf[0])
>+    {
>+	fprintf(outFile, "LEAF: ");
>+	for (i = 1; i <= IDEAKEYSIZE; i += 3)
>+	    outdec(leaf+i, outFile, 3);
>+	putc('\n', outFile);
>+    }
>     if (clearfilename)
> 	fprintf(outFile, "Charset: %s\n", charset);
>     if (globalCommentString[0])
>diff -u ../pgp263i/src/crypto.c ./crypto.c
>--- ../pgp263i/src/crypto.c	Mon Jan 15 22:37:59 1996
>+++ ./crypto.c	Sat Sep 13 03:33:19 1997
>@@ -420,6 +420,9 @@
>  * The "skip" parameter says to skip that many bytes at the beginning,
>  * used to generate a random IV only for conventional encryption.
>  */
>+char leaf[IDEAKEYSIZE+1];
> static int make_random_ideakey(byte 
> 			       int skip)
> {
>@@ -445,7 +448,11 @@
> 	 */
> 	for (count = skip; count < IDEAKEYSIZE+RAND_PREFIX_LENGTH; count++)
>-		key[count] = cryptRandByte() ^ trueRandByte();
>+	{
>+	    key[count] = cryptRandByte() ^ trueRandByte();
>+	    leaf[count-skip+1] = key[count];
>+	}
>+	leaf[0] = 1;
> 	/*
> 	 * Write out a new randseed.bin.  It is encrypted in precisely the
>diff -u ../pgp263i/src/pgp.c ./pgp.c
>--- ../pgp263i/src/pgp.c	Thu Jan 18 19:06:45 1996
>+++ ./pgp.c	Sat Sep 13 02:36:44 1997
>@@ -410,6 +410,16 @@
> #endif
> 	  stderr);
>+fputs("American citizens have a right to their privacy and their 
access to the
>+freest possible markets. But they also have a right to their safety 
>+security. Terrorist groups that plot to blow up buildings; drug 
>+that seek to poison our children, and those who proliferate in deadly
>+chemical and biological weapons are all formidable opponents of peace 
>+security in the global society. These bad actors must know that the 
>+States' law enforcement and national security agencies, working under 
>+proper oversight, will have the tools to frustrate illegal and deadly
>+activity and bring international criminals to justice.\n", stderr);
>     get_timestamp((byte *) & tstamp);	/* timestamp points to tstamp */
>     fprintf(pgpout, LANG("Current time: %s\n"), ctdate(&tstamp));
> }
What is this????????????

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