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Jim Bell--Mercetan Visionary / Re: [ZOG] FBI MEMO FROM MSP SPEC OPERATIONS DIV
- To: [email protected]
- Subject: Jim Bell--Mercetan Visionary / Re: [ZOG] FBI MEMO FROM MSP SPEC OPERATIONS DIV
- From: [email protected] (Anonymous)
- Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 03:41:12 +0100 (MET)
- Organization: Replay and Company UnLimited
- Sender: [email protected]
Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> * A reported in the media, the IRS recently
> * announced that all IRS District Headquarters Offices will
> * be open on selective Saturdays, beginning 11/15/97, to
> * handle taxpayer complaints and problem cases. Due to the
> * recent publicity surrounding allegations of IRS abuses
> * against taxpayers, the offices may attract individuals
> * intent on disrupting business or committing violent acts
> * against IRS employees.
Clueless John Young was mystified as to why Jim Bell's sentencing
has been delayed for such a long period of time.
You fool! They plan to run him for President as a grass-roots candidate.
Glad I could clear that up...
Anonymous (Except to John Young, who is cc:'d and will know
~~~~~~~~~ I am TruthMonger)