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Re: Clinton's Bigger Gun Ban

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On 10/29/97 8:08 PM, Tim May (tcmay@got.net)  passed this wisdom:

>The Klinton Klan has already effectively banned imported SKS ammo 
>(7.62x29, as I recall, given that I don't have any rifles 
>chambering this popular round).
> ---
>Before you rush to correct me, I _meant_ to write "7.62x39" of
>(A round used by the Chinese, Soviet, and East Bloc nations, and 
>roughly equivalent to the American M-16 round, known either as the 
>.223 or 5.56mm. The NATO "7.62" is in a longer case length. 
>7.62x54, as I recall. Known in America as .308.

 If I remember right they were able to do this because the only ammo
available for 7.62x39  is from the Chinese and uses steel core
projectiles not lead. Then when Olympic Arms came out with the cutdown
weapon chambered for 7.62x39 it was able to be banned uder a
regualtion banning "armor piercing ammo that could be used in a

   One thing though,  7.62x39 really could not be compared to the 5.56
NATO, its really more potent out to 2-300 meters; it is still a .30
cal vs 5.56 NATOs .223,  but its far less potent than 7.62 NATO
(7.62x54). The 7.62x39 was the standard caliber of ComBloc weapons for
several decades, most specifically the AK-47, AKM-44 (sniper weapon),
and SKS carbine. I think the Dragunov sniper system used a more potent

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