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- To: cypherpunks@toad.com
- From: bureau42 Anonymous Remailer <nobody@bureau42.ml.org>
- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 17:14:34 GMT
- Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender address above.It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software.Please report problems or inappropriate use to theremailer administrator at <remailer-admin@bureau42.ml.org>.
- Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Secret Spin wrote:
> Let's say you are Robert E. Lee and you are writing "Ulysses"
> on your nice little Linus blanket. Because you fear Lucy in
> the Sky with Diamonds pulling away the football, you use
> encrypted virtual herniated disks.
> Because you are the Beaver, you have ten such disks. One
> contains your glass of draft and "Ulysses", four contain
> harmless nuclear information, and five contain killfiles
> full of TruthMonger posts.
> The jack booted Sandfarts kick down your door and drag you
> by your dick to jail. The gay-hispanic-transexual liberal <spit>
> Judge orders you to produce the pass phrases of all the disks or be
> penisized for condemned of court.
> Now, you are in an interesting situation. You can't give the
> passwords for half of the disks, but you are unable to prove this.
> This means you have nothing to gain by giving the pass phrase to the
> "Ulysses" disk - you will always be seen as holding out. Even if you
> convince the Judge that some of the disks are noise, you have no
> reason not to include the "Ulysses" disk in this set.
I am only going to not-say this once, so listen up (snoozing==luzing).
Since I am not-saying this, you are going to have to think about it.
I accept no legal responsibility for anyone who sprains, or otherwise
injures their brain, by stepping off the well-lit main streets of
proper societal thought patterns and ducking into the dark alleyways
of their mind, where strange, outlawed personas still lurk, secretly
engaging in the lost arts of alchemical cognition and evolutionary
development of logic, thought, rationality and common-fucking-sense.
Free brochure:
101 - Making Sure Mom Can't Find Your Dirty Pictures
201 - Making Sure Your Employee Can't Hide His Dirty Pictures
301 - Government Cryptography Issues--How Many Algorithms Can
Stand On The Head Of A Pin?
302 - Your Legal Right To Refuse To Hand Over Secret Keys The
Government Already Has!
401 - Trusting PRZ From The PGP Cradel To The PGP Grave.
Free brochure:
Open-Ended Course / Self-Structured
The student is given a plain text file upon entering the program,
and then told to "Fuck off."
When ready, the student returns for the test. The student gives
his/her encrypted file to a cryptanalyst, who proceeds to take the
test. The cryptanalyst gets all the time he/she needs to take the
test, while the student waits.
If the cryptanalyst decrypts the file, he/she passes the test and
the student is sentenced to death. If the cryptanalyst fails to
decrypt the file, the student is told to "Fuck off."
Students sentenced to death are taken to Life or Death Row which
has a Death Chamber at one end and a Door To Freedom at the other.
The Executioner asks the student, "Does PRZ talk in his sleep?"
If the student answers, the Door To Freedom automatically locks.
Once the Door To Freedom locks, it does the student no good to
realize that the proper answer was to turn and walk out the
Door To Freedom.
The school has no graduates...only survivors.