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re: Speech as co-conspiring? I don't think so.


Minty Cuntskin (Sorry Monty, I couldn't resist ;-) wrote: 
>The producers of the show certainly know that there are terrorist
>elements and psychopaths who would be watching.  They know that these
>people will be turned on by the imagery of a BATF agent being brutally
>murdered.  They could have told the same story using different
>imagery.  Instead of using graphic violence, they could have expressed
>the idea of the BATF agent getting killed with a heartrending scene of
>his wife getting the phone call.  That certainly would not have been
>But they didn't.  The opted to go with a glorification of the act.
>Why?  Incompetence won't wash - anybody getting to national TV has
>spent years in the business and is a total pro.  They know what effect
>they are having.

True.  I think the majority of the Hollywood community is on our side
in this one.  Folks likes Clint Eastwood have made a sincere effort to
expose the BATFucks for the thugs they are.  Some of you may recall
that Clint has become a vocal critic of the seige at Waco and spoken
out against it on several occasions.

>They glorified this act of violence to encourage others to do the
>same.  Where is the FBI?  Why isn't anybody doing anything?  If the
>life of only one BATF agent is spared, it will be worthwhile!  Think
>of his poor wife and kids.

Yes, imagine having to be related to such a creep.

Tim May wrote:
>>Ah, what has the world come to?
>Remailers?  ;-)

Though not a panacea, remailers do create some interesting possibilities
for the freedom of expression.


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