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Will Jews be Forced to Accept Christ in Public Schools?

At 6:01 PM -0700 11/4/97, Lizard wrote:
>At 07:39 PM 11/4/97 -0500, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
>>You're a bright one, aren't you?
>>Not that I feel I owe anyone an explanation, but since you took the time
>>and trouble to write so damn much.....
>>CIN donated the webspace.  Another Christian organization arranged for
>>someone to build the website and, well, here I am.
>>Aside from the fact that I didn't want to have to pay for _anything_, I
>>think that was very generous of them, don't you?
>So, allying yourself with people who would gladly force *your* childen to
>pray to *their* God doesn't bother you in the least. Fascinating.

There is no way any proposed laws will force Jewish kids to pray in certain

(I say this not as a defender of the Christian Right, but in the interests
of truth.)

Due to my advanced age, compared to most of you, I was attending elementary
school in the State of Virginia before the Supreme Court struck down school
prayer (circa 1962). I vaguely recall a kind of prayer at times, which
anyone was free to ignore. Obviously a child will feel social pressures to
conform...but such is life in many ways.

The Jew in our class was specifically exempted from school prayers. Seth
Schrager--I remember his name somehow--was excused from Christian
activities, like building manger scenes and reenacting Christian parables
in school plays. Actually, we didn't _want_ any Christkillers in our school

Personally, I'd rather see school vouchers, or, even better, a complete
withdrawal of public funding for schools. Let the Zoroastrians send their
kids to whatever school they like...and let them pay the freight.

--Tim May

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W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
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"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."