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Adam Back writes:

> People copy commercial software all the time.  I suspect only some
> small fraction of personal use software is ever paid for.  Companies
> are less likely to do this

Companies do it because the boss can instruct the underlings to
do multi installs and then deny he did so.  Doesn't work on
pig-headed "Can I have that in writing" types (like me).

> One idea which I did like was the open bidding for a product to be
> developed, people interested in the feature or product pay how much it
> is worth to them up front, developers bid to take the job on.  After
> it's done the software is freeware.  Supporting ideas discussed before
> on this topic are that first to complete gets paid, or lowest bidder
> presents completion bond, and that there are independent aribitrators
> checking quality.

> There was someone who posted to the list that he was going to set this
> up.  He even purchased the domain name if I recall.  What happened,
> did anything come of it?

Bounty Software Group (BOUNTY3-DOM)
   818 West Sunnyside, Apt 3b.
   Chicago, IL 60640

   Domain Name: BOUNTY.ORG

   Administrative Contact:
      Petro, Christopher  (CP588)  petro@SUBA.COM
   Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
      Strasheim, Alex R.  (AS55)  alex@SUBA.COM
      (312) 929-8008
   Billing Contact:
      Petro, Christopher  (CP588)  petro@SUBA.COM

   Record last updated on 23-Nov-96.
   Record created on 23-Nov-96.
   Database last updated on 4-Nov-97 05:29:24 EDT.

   Domain servers in listed order: