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Re: Why Jodi Hoffman must be called, etc. etc.

Lizard wrote:
>At 07:39 PM 11/4/97 -0500, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
>>You're a bright one, aren't you?  
>>Not that I feel I owe anyone an explanation, but since you took the time 
>>and trouble to write so damn much.....
>>CIN donated the webspace.  Another Christian organization arranged for 
>>someone to build the website and, well, here I am.  
>>Aside from the fact that I didn't want to have to pay for _anything_, I 
>>think that was very generous of them, don't you?
>So, allying yourself with people who would gladly force *your* childen to
>pray to *their* God doesn't bother you in the least. Fascinating.

More telling, she doesn't seem to have a problem using a religious (and
therefore tax-exempt) organization to push a political agenda. Apparently
that whole 'separation of church and state' thing only applies when it's

If religions want to play politics, the least we can do is get them to pay
for the privilege. I'd feel a certain guilty pleasure seeing some of those
bottom-feeders taxed into penury.