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Re: Taxing Churches for their views? Bad idea.

Tim May wrote:

>Nonsense. And a dangerous course.
>One can decide to "tax churches" or to "not tax churches." I have no
>particularly strong opinion on either option.
>But one must definitely _not_ base the decision to tax or not to tax on the
>opinions expressed by a church!
>One cannot decide to tax the Catholic Church "into penury" because its
>anti-abortion views have become politically incorrect in the last 30 years.
>Nor can one decide to tax the tempes and synagogues of Judaism "into
>penury" because they are centers of support for the Zionist Entity.
>Think about it.
>--Tim May

You should only tax churches who hand out guns instead of bizarre flat
bread and intone "this is my body, use it for target practice".
You should also tax any church where the priests routinely recruit young
boys and tell them anal sex with a priest will get them into heaven.
Also tax any church where the sermon is immediately followed by an orgy.