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Re: Taxing Churches for their views? Bad idea.

> At 9:58 PM -0700 11/4/97, Eric Cordian wrote:
> See my other post on this topic. The Christian *LEFT* has been active for
> several decades in opposing U.S. involvement in wars, in aiding and
> abetting draft dodgers, in supporting Marxist regimes in Latin America, in
> establishing the Sanctuary Movement, in sabotaging ICBM production
> facilities, and in urging churchgoers to vote the agenda being pushed.
> So?
> Tax all churches or tax no churches, but don't give government the power to
> decide if a religion is "worthy" of special tax treatment.

	While I agree with some of your points, I would think that a clear line can
be drawn between Religions as expressed in organized churches, and religously 
oriented political organizations. Raplh Reed & Crew have distinctly different 
characteristics than does Da Pope. 

	I don't believe that the churches religious activities should be taxed or
regualted, however their commercial enterprises should be taxed like every other 