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Re: Totally Unbreakable VME

It has just about all the earmarks of snakeoil.
It's got:
all sorts of nifty acronyms
sounds like a stream algorithm by another name
you of course can't get the source code
it's going to "revolutionize" cryptography... 
.... yawn ....
Remember Elementrix?

"In fact, Bill Gates and several of his competitors have been personally
challenged to validate or discredit these claims. "

I'll go one better than that! "Bill - you and your buddies all give me
I think I'll cut a press release right now ...

At 10:26 AM 11/7/97 -0500, you wrote:
>News report Nov 7, 97:
>AT&T, Hewlett Packard, Intel Corporation, Dell Computers, and 
>many other leading computer corporations have been added to the 
>challenge list by Meganet Corporation. The challenge started 
>last week with Bill Gates, now some of his peers have an opportunity 
>to validate or discredit the bold claim that Meganet's VME 
>(Virtual Matrix Encryption) is totally unbreakable. 
>Unbreakable encryption is the only answer to security 
>in our electronic world. This is graphically illustrated 
>by the recent report from the National Security Agency
>reporting the open market availability of a $10 chip that 
>can test up to 200 million keys per second. The 56-bit key, 
>government and banking standard, can be compromised in 
>twelve (12) seconds with brute force using ASIC
>(Application-specific Integrated Circuits) chips. 
>Meganet has the answer with its new VME (Virtual Matrix 
>Encryption). The impenetrable VME also has extreme speed, 
>much faster than any existing program available today. 
>Major computer companies are already starting discussions 
>to acquire the rights to market this incredible new data 
>encryption system. More information about this
>exciting new technology can be found at: www.meganet.com
>Hmm, wonder if it has impenetrable GAK and CAK options.