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Re: Totally Unbreakable VME

John Young Reports:
> AT&T, Hewlett Packard, Intel Corporation, Dell Computers, and many
> other leading computer corporations have been added to the challenge
> list by Meganet Corporation. The challenge started last week with Bill
> Gates, now some of his peers have an opportunity to validate or
> discredit the bold claim that Meganet's VME (Virtual Matrix
> Encryption) is totally unbreakable.
I am pleased to announce that I have added IBM, Gateway 2000, Netscape
Communications, and CISCO to my challenge list.  I started this challenge
last week with Andy Grove.  Now some of Andy's friends also have a chance
to break "CordianPlex", the secure One Time Pad based on the random
arrangement of droppings in my cat's litter box. 
None of these companies have ever heard of me, or my insignificant
product, but I think I will put their names in my press release to make me
sound more important to people who haven't a clue. 
> Major computer companies are already starting discussions to acquire
> the rights to market this incredible new data encryption system.
Name three.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"