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Re: Return of the Living Zundel, from The Netly News

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> http://cgi.pathfinder.com/netly/editorial/0,1012,1561,00.html
> The Netly News Network (http://netlynews.com/)
> November 6, 1997
> Return of the Living Zundel
> by Chris Stamper (cstamper@pathfinder.com)
>         Does Ernst Zundel have the right to deny the Holocaust and brag
>    about it on the Net? In the U.S. the answer is unequivocally yes. But
>    in Canada, where Zundel resides, the Human Rights Commission has been
>    holding hearings on whether the "Zundelsite" violates the country's
>    hate speech laws.

  Zundel's web site contains pointers to the sites of those who disagree
with him. The Holocaust promotion web sites, however, contain pointers
only to sites which are in agreement with their views.
  e.g. - At Zundel's site:
> For relentless Holocaust promotion, on the other hand, contact Nizkor. 
> For another Jewish point of view, contact the Simon Wiesenthal Center (tm) 

  Thus, the Canadian Human Rights Commission's primary goal seems to
be to limit Canadian's access to infomation to only that which is in
alignment with the goals of those holding the reins of power.
