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Re: Return of the Living Zundel, from The Netly News
Declan McCullagh wrote:
> http://cgi.pathfinder.com/netly/editorial/0,1012,1561,00.html
> Return of the Living Zundel
> by Chris Stamper (cstamper@pathfinder.com)
> Does Ernst Zundel have the right to deny the Holocaust and brag
> about it on the Net? In the U.S. the answer is unequivocally yes. But
> in Canada, where Zundel resides, the Human Rights Commission has been
> holding hearings on whether the "Zundelsite" violates the country's
> hate speech laws. If Zundel loses the case, he'll be asked to pay
> damages and take any offending articles off the web site.
Canadian Shock TV!!!
Camilla Scott, competing for airtime with Jerry Springer's shows about
two-headed lady midget wrestlers in a bed full of chickens with a serial
killer who married his own daughter, recently had a show where people
wanted their friends/relatives to change their 'outrageous' behavior
could confront them live, on TV.
One of the guests was perturbed because his friend, a very successful
businessman, always wore black. (Clothes of exceptional quality and
design, but _always_ black.)
Fortunately, the Canadian sheeple hooted and hollered derision at the
fellow, thus protecting us from unsavory types like the Man in Black.
Unfortunately, the fellow seemed much happier and satisfied with his
life than those doing the hooting and hollering, so chances are, he
will continue his diabolical wardrobe atrocities.
Canadians know that the answer to racism is to put the racists in
ovens and gas them, then bury them in mass graves in Germany.
Glad I could clear that up.