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Beware of the 'ANY' Key / Re: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Monthly Newsletter

Global Web Builders wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PLEASE NOTE: No unsolicited email is sent. If you do not want to be on the
> mailing list please say "REMOVE" in the subject line and return this message
> in the body.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

That darned 'ANY' key is up to its pesky tricks again.

Long the scourge of computer neophytes everywhere, the elusive 'ANY'
key continues to be responsible for all of the evils that happen in
the computer world, at any place and point in time.
Now, the 'ANY' key, which no computer neophyte ever manages to find
when told to do so by Robert's Terribly Funky Manual, seems to be
responsible for those who 'do NOT send out unsolicited email' spamming
millions of computer users around the world.

Bleeding cunt liberal that I am, my pussy bleeds purple piss for Pauline
Hanson (whether she is wearing panties or not), for the great suffering
she must be undergoing as a result of the 'ANY' key mysteriously sending
out her message to millions of total strangers.
Perhaps the answer to the diabolical scourge of the 'ANY' key is to 
provide all computer users with a 'REMOVE' key similar to the big red
button that the US President has access to.


> Dear supporter in NSW,
> Pauline Hanson's One Nation continues to grow an extraordinary rate.
> There are now over 200 branches of the party nationwide - this just twenty
> eight weeks after the April launch.
> The interest in what we have to say and the level of our support is best
> demonstrated by comparing the recent visits of National Senator Bill O'Chee
> and Pauline Hanson to the traditional National heartland of Gympie in
> central Queensland. At their respective dinners O'Chee managed to attract
> just 12 people while Hanson attracted a full house of 400!
> These are challenging times ahead for the party. With this explosive growth
> and interest the Manly head office of One Nation has come under enormous
> pressure with calls from the media, the growing need to manage the new
> branches and a number of related teething problems.
> Please be patient if you find delays in One Nation responding to an inquiry.
> This is due to the workload being faced by the Manly office.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> As you will have read Pauline Hanson's One Nation will contest the
> Queensland state elections after an independent survey revealed that the
> party had, conservatively, up to 27% support in certain electorates.
> If you know of someone who would make a good candidate please contact Manly
> office on (02) 9976 0283 for application forms. Please note closing date for
> nominations is December 1st.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> There have been a number of One Nation press releases during October. These
> can be viewed at:
> http://www.gwb.com.au/onenation/press
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pauline Hanson's on-line Working Group:
> There has been a tremendous response to the establishment of Pauline
> Hanson's on-line Working Group and we thank those who have become involved
> for their support.
> If you would like to participate please email the following information for
> consideration.
> Name, Contact details (address, phone, fax), membership number (this is a
> pre-requisite) and branch (default is Manly).
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Like any growing political organisation Pauline Hanson's One Nation needs
> your financial support. Please help NOW if you are able... Their is an
> on-line form that can be printed out and posted together with your donation at:
> http://www.gwb.com.au/pledge.html
> Let's get that donation-meter reading moving!
> Pauline Hanson