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Sparticus wrote:

>Corporate America Saves the IRS. What a headline. Corporate America wants
the IRS to be
>able to survive to tax us all into oblivion, when what they ought to do is
turn their
>backs on the IRS, walk away and let them fall in on themselves just like
the Soviet Union did.
>If we're lucky, around December 31, 1999, the IRS will crash along with
their computer systems.

And a lot of those corporations are probably highly Democrat-ic.
Something I've not yet understood is how some very successful companies and
individuals (like very wealthy entertainters) can be so supportive of the
likes of Clinton and the whole Democrat-ic welfare/taxation agenda (this is
not to say that Republicans are much better in their ideology, but only
outright, declared Socialists are worse).

I mean, these people may be able to write off a lot of business expenses
and so receive those types of benefits, but they will support regulations
which make it difficult for the non-business owning individual to keep much
of what the income they make or to become employed in their own small,
unlicensed occupations.

What could they be thinking?   Or maybe that's the deal -  they expect that
they themselves won't suffer too much economically, because they know how
to get the advantages of the regulations which they support, but being
control freaks they want to be in the position to "help" everyone else, and
regulations provides them with the image of "benefactors".

Still, anyone who "gets the advantage" of tax deductions for whatever
itemizing they can do on business deals is nevertheless required to answer
for their every move, their every economic decision, to the Higher
Authority of the IRS.  This is dumb, and demoralizing.  To me, anyway; it
appears that people like them don't care all that much about personal
sovereignty as long as they get to lord over others in the meantime.
