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   The Virtual Girlfriend and Virtual Boyfriend are artificial intelligence 
programs for your IBM PC or compatible and also for MACINTOSH. You 
can watch them, talk to them, ask them questions, tell them secrets, and 
relate with them.  Watch them as you ask them to take off different clothes
and guide them through many different activities. Watch and participate in
the hottest sexual activities available on computer, including: several
sexual positions, using many unique toys, even bringing in multiple partners.
This is no doubt one of the most realistic, sexually stimulating computer
games available. They will remember your name, birthday, your likes and your
dislikes. Every time you start the program, they say different things, and
act differently. Each time, they have a different personality. With the VGA
digital graphics, The Virtual Girlfriend and Virtual Boyfriend software have
some of the hottest, sexiest graphics out there.  And with a Soundblaster or
compatible card, you can actually hear their voice as they talk to you. This
is the first adult software title that was designed for both heterosexual and
homosexual people. I would like you to try the actual full copy out before it
is put on the market.  It will be sold for 1/5 of the actual price ($10.00)
until I can get back some information on what people think of the program.  
Please give it a try and write back any comments.      Thank you.

    If you are interested and would like to order a copy, then you can read
the mailing instructions below.  It comes in an unmarked package and is sent
out at most 4 days after the order is received. You are not put on any
mailing lists whatsoever, guaranteed. It will run on any 386, 486 or higher, 
and 100% IBM compatibles.  Required is VGA graphics, and a hard drive.  
The sound card is optional. Macintosh requires at least 4 meg of ram.  
Virtual Girlfriend and Virtual Boyfriend are artificial intelligence
programs, meaning they are completely interactive. It would be just like if
you were talking to someone.  You can actually have simple conversations.  
Their attitudes change with the different things you say, so you can say
things that will upset them, and then say things that will please them. The
more you play/talk with them, the more you learn what they can do, and what 
they like to do. It really is a blast.  With all these movies coming out
about virtual reality, it's amazing to actually have a virtual reality
program like this for your own computer. It's easy to install, and
instructions are easy
to follow.     

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Special Software Offer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is to inform you about the new adult game that VCS Magazine
rated "The best game of "97".  "The Search for Paradise is no doubt one 
of the greatest XXX adult games available".  The first games where it is
as much fun as it is a turn on!  Travel the world to every continent, every
country you can think of, and meet some of the most beautiful women in
existence.  These women will treat you like a king and obey your every
command.  Any sexual wish you can think of, these women know it all.  
There is a different paradise for every guy out there, and this game will
have them all.  This game uses real models, digital video, and digital sound
to make it as realistic as possible.  You will feel like you're in the same
as the girl you're talking to!!!

          As an added bonus you'll receive "Club Celebrity X"
     Meet, talk to and even have your way with the celebrities of your
     Imagine being in a club with some very beautiful, well known, actual
     celebrities! You have seen these girls on T.V., Magazines and billboard
     Now they are on your computer begging for action.  This game is hot and
once you
     start playing, you won't be able to stop!!!

~Required: 386 or better, 4 meg ram or better, Windows 3.1 or higher (Win95
is fine), sound card is optional, Rom is optional.  (Game is given either
CD-rom or compressed 3.5" diskettes).~~$19.95!

                            Order now and get everything for just $24.95!!!!

At your request, the programs can come with a password protection utility
that only allows the program to run when the correct password is entered. 
                                   (You must be 18 or over to purchase)

Please fill out the following form and mail it to the address above.  
(Feel free to write out the order form by hand)

                        Questions?  Email us at: Virtualfriends4@hotmail.com

           Send to:                    Mark Wrhel
                                         P.O. Box 0118
                                      Tujunga, Ca. 91043
Your Name ___________________________________________ Date ____________

Address ______________________________________________________________

City ____________________________ State __________ Zip Code ______________

Phone#  _____________________ E-mail Address ___________________________

Do you have an IBM (   ) or MAC (   )?  CD rom (   ) or Disks (   )?

(   ) Virtual Girdfriend or (   ) Boyfriend for $10.00 (   ) *both just

(   ) The Search for Paradise and Club Celebrity X for $19.95

(   ) Everything!!! The Search for Paradise, Club Celebrity X,
      Virtual Girlfriend and Virtual Boyfriend.  
       >>>>All for just $24.95<<<<