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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism
In <v03102807b098087b39e3@[]>, on 11/18/97
at 08:12 PM, Tim May <[email protected]> said:
>At 10:34 PM -0700 11/18/97, Mikhael Frieden wrote:
>>At 06:53 PM 11/18/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>>>I think that there is plenty of case law of extending constutional
>>>protections to non-citizens. One that comes to mind were the rulings
>>>against California inwhich the courts ruled the they were obligated to
>>>provide schooling and social services to illegal aliens (a really fucked
>>>rulling IMNSHO but if some good can come out of it no sense not making use
>>>of it).
>> In a much more fundamental sense, if they were not given
>>constitutional protections they really could be rounded up and bussed
>>across the border.
>And what would be wrong with this?
>If they're not citizens, and not on a valid visa, they have no legal
>right to be in the U.S.
>(At a more abstract level, I support the idea of completely open borders,
>provided we end all forcible contributions to welfare, medical care,
>schools, job quotas, etc. But so long as taxpayers are paying 60% of
>everything earned, as I am, to support others, the rules about entry to
>the U.S. must be enforced.)
>Ironically, the authorities are refusing to enforce the immigration laws.
>This is why the militias here in California have been forced to deal with
>illegal immigrants in the only way left to them. (There's a hunt in
>Imperial Valley this coming Saturday.)
Well at one time there was a demand for cheap labor by US industry that
supported the infux of immagrents. In modern times their is no such demand
( if there were we have plenty of bums on welfare that can fill this need)
but there is a demand for cheap votes. The current Statest have been
watching their power base erroding over the years as more and more
Americans refuse to beleive thier socialist lies. The only way that they
can continue in power is to import new voters who are easier to hoodwink
and cheaper to buy. Confermation of this policy can be seen in the
behavior of the INS durring the last election cycle where large numbers of
immigrants were naturalized before the elections.
- --
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William H. Geiger III http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0
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