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Re: Will Jews be Forced to Accept Christ in Public Schools?

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, ? the Platypus {aka David Formosa} wrote:

> ...  If the state has any business, it is
> to provide services that the comminaty as a whole needs or services where
> the market will not provide.  While churches (and other voluntary
> organizations) have there place I do not beleave that it is a universal
> solition.
> Indeed I have worries about contribution money to an orginisation that I
> have little ablity to control via my influence as a voter.

Then I take it you have almost the exact same worries about contributing 
to churches as you have about "contributing" to government.

Reminds me of a short exchange I had with a co-worker a couple of years 
ago.  He had bought a lottery ticket (which I don't do), and it went like 

I:  What are your chances of winning?
he:  What are *yours*?
I:  Not much different than yours!

Jon Galt
e-mail:  jongalt@pinn.net
website:  http://www.pinn.net/~jongalt/
PGP public key available on my website.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.