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Re: Will Jews be Forced to Accept Christ in Public Schools?


On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Jon Galt wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, ? the Platypus {aka David Formosa} wrote:


> > Indeed I have worries about contribution money to an orginisation that I
> > have little ablity to control via my influence as a voter.
> Then I take it you have almost the exact same worries about contributing 
> to churches as you have about "contributing" to government.

Basicly yes,  Churchers are more like small goverments of there own,
accountable only to there vision of God (wich will be redifined if it
becomes to difficalt to get away with what thay wish.)

> Reminds me of a short exchange I had with a co-worker a couple of years 
> ago.  He had bought a lottery ticket (which I don't do), and it went like 
> this:
> I:  What are your chances of winning?
> he:  What are *yours*?
> I:  Not much different than yours!

One neet thing about knowing a bit of maths (aprat from the ablity to do
cyrto) is that you clearly know the probilities of winning lotto.

ObDisclamer  I am not crising the idear of relgion or spiritality.  More
the way thay are currently implermented in todays socity.  In otherwords
its not God I have a beef with but the peaple who /say/ that there acting
on His wishes.

- -- 
Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia see the url in my header. 
Never trust a country with more peaple then sheep.  ex-net.scum and proud
You Say To People "Throw Off Your Chains" And They Make New Chains For
Themselves? --Terry Pratchett.  I do not reply to munged addresses.

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