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Re: Time to Pay the Piper

Attila T. Hun wrote:

>    1)  when a true market monopoly exists, society _is_
>        entitled to intervene.  [. . .]
>    2)  why should you be surprised to hear this from me? 
>        sure, I would prefer anarchy per se, but have
>        absolutely no faith that the vast majority would do
>        anything except rape, pillage, and plunder.  [. . . .]

Well, between the "raping, pillaging, plundering" society of people who
can't do better than to follow in the path which Billg prepares for them,
and the "entitled" right of these same pillaging, plundering, sheeple to
intervene in a "true market monopoly" which they themselves participated in
creating, if only by default (intervening so they don't become exhausted
from all that decision making - Unix, or Perl?  Unix, or Wintel? This is
too hard!!), and the attitude of Governors of the People's Interest who
live to protects us from pillaging, plundering monopolists, all the while
doing a little undercover raping of their own, all I can say is, "it's a
Wonderful Society".

And who wouldn't want to be a member of such a society, and who wouldn't
want to intervene on the behalf of its citizens, none of whom have,
apparently, yet "proved their worth" on this planet?   (I'm surprised
there's still so many of them, considering all the "good" guys trying to
help them, and considering that they've been receiving "help" for their
condition from everywhere - left and right, up and down, here and there -
for many, many, years, now.)

wheN are PEE-ple GOing towake UP.
The Truth is Out There.