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Re: Eternity service??

At 03:11 PM 1/19/98 -0600, Kay Jones wrote:
>I am writing to you: Recently I was to coach a good friend of mine
>through her labor and birth. She very much wanted a natural birth and
>had written a very specific birth plan and had planned on signing
>waivers to release the hospital and docs from any legal action if

Wait 18 years, then her child can sue the hospital.

>anything went wrong. When we went to the hospital, the midwife on duty
>threw down her birth plan and told her that her child would be delivered
>on HER terms (the midwife's) or not at all. She literally forced me to
>leave my friend, and then had her physically restrained to insert IV's

Not very assertive, are you folks?

>and apply monitors which my friend had NOT consented to, and in fact had
>specifically said she didn't want. Then, later, during the actual birth,
>the midwife let my friend's vagina tear horribly instead of giving her
>an episiotomy as she said "You want a natural birth...do it yourself"
>Then, my friends new baby was taken from her, and she didn't get to see
>the baby for three hours after the birth. The baby was subjected to
>tests and proceedures that my friend had specifically requested not be
>done, and the baby was given a bottle in spite of the fact that my
>friend wanted to nurse her baby. Anyway, my intent is to open a page to
>expose these so called 'medical professionals' for what they
>are.....butchers! What happened to my friend was pure and simple
>assault, but she has not much recourse, as this happened in a military

You go to a military organization and expect otherwise?  
Meat is meat baby.

>Her husband, like mine is in the Army, and they are not very
>high ranking soldiers, so the risk of reprocussions (sp?) to them is
>very high if she takes action. 

Kiss hubby's career goodbye Ms. Jones, you've already complained too much.

I know that is the norm for most army
>hospitals, and I would like to open a *safe* arena for women to read and
>be warned of these people, by NAME and rank, and location, and also a
>*safe* place for them to post their horror stories with warnings also.
>Many people are afraid of being sued...I could care less tho my husband
>is a bit paranoid...   do you see what I am trying to say here? Can you
>help me? Please let me know as soon as possible :)

You need to look into anonymous posting more than Eternity services,
if you are afraid of personal retribution.  And you need a lawyer to
advise on libel law.  But I don't believe you're subject to the UCMJ as
a wife.

      David Honig                   Orbit Technology
     [email protected]                  Intaanetto Jigyoubu

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