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Eternity service??

Hello....listen, I was referred to you by a friend of mine who is
helping me with a page I would like to create. I am a mom of three,
aspiring Doula and EMT, and an advocate for natural pregnancy,
childbirth, extended breastfeeding and attachment parenting. Here is why
I am writing to you: Recently I was to coach a good friend of mine
through her labor and birth. She very much wanted a natural birth and
had written a very specific birth plan and had planned on signing
waivers to release the hospital and docs from any legal action if
anything went wrong. When we went to the hospital, the midwife on duty
threw down her birth plan and told her that her child would be delivered
on HER terms (the midwife's) or not at all. She literally forced me to
leave my friend, and then had her physically restrained to insert IV's
and apply monitors which my friend had NOT consented to, and in fact had
specifically said she didn't want. Then, later, during the actual birth,
the midwife let my friend's vagina tear horribly instead of giving her
an episiotomy as she said "You want a natural birth...do it yourself"
Then, my friends new baby was taken from her, and she didn't get to see
the baby for three hours after the birth. The baby was subjected to
tests and proceedures that my friend had specifically requested not be
done, and the baby was given a bottle in spite of the fact that my
friend wanted to nurse her baby. Anyway, my intent is to open a page to
expose these so called 'medical professionals' for what they
are.....butchers! What happened to my friend was pure and simple
assault, but she has not much recourse, as this happened in a military
hospital. Her husband, like mine is in the Army, and they are not very
high ranking soldiers, so the risk of reprocussions (sp?) to them is
very high if she takes action. I know that is the norm for most army
hospitals, and I would like to open a *safe* arena for women to read and
be warned of these people, by NAME and rank, and location, and also a
*safe* place for them to post their horror stories with warnings also.
Many people are afraid of being sued...I could care less tho my husband
is a bit paranoid...   do you see what I am trying to say here? Can you
help me? Please let me know as soon as possible :)

             Kay Jones
  *Peace On Earth Begins At Birth*
          ICQ: 2935300