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Re: Latest smartcard software


In <dc8a95a3add1ece5371ae8fb4a3c6036@squirrel>, on 01/22/98 
   at 03:53 AM, Secret Squirrel <anon@squirrel.owl.de> said:

>>They'll say hey, you've already surrendered your biometric number
>>during fingerprinting for driver's licenses.
>>It will be too late.
>>The high-tech American Leviathan will be in place.

>Sounds like Microsoft. No, really. I'm dead serious.

>Like it or not, people have to use Mickeysoft crap sooner or later. Want
>to read that document? Read that email? Run that program? Purchase things
>(software which runs)? It's garbage. I know it's garbage. Many of us here
> know it's garbage. But we have to use it anyway. Compare this to the 
>smartcard as proposed like this:

>I know it's garbage. Many of us here know it's garbage. But we have to
>use it anyway. Want to read that document? Read that email? Access that
>computer system? Drive your car? Get in your house? Get through a toll
>booth? Enter or leave the country? Better make sure your papers are in

>The high-tech American Leviathan is already in place. The problem is that
>it'll just get worse because the sheeple are, by definition, naked,
>stupid, and blind.

This is, well what can I say but, BULL.

This is the typical line one gets from the sheeple, "I don't like MS but I
am *forced* to use it", or "I don't like Credit Cards but I can't live
without them".

Life sucks deal with it. You have two choices: either use it or don't but
quit your whining.

I will not use a dumbcard today, tomorrow, or ever (I have never owned a

The herd will always be the herd but if you follow along are you really
any different?

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
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