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Re: The Continued Attack on Cash (Was: "The Right of Anonymity"...) (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> From: "Attila T. Hun" <[email protected]>
> Date: Mon, 02 Feb 98 18:07:57 +0000
> Subject: Re: The Continued Attack on Cash (Was: "The Right of Anonymity"...)

> >I've been doing it for many years. Don't have a checking account, don't
> >own a credit card. I do have a saving account with a local credit union
> >and go in every 3-4 days and withdraw what I need for the next 3-4 days.
> >Pay every bill in cash or money order. 
> first, the use of the credit union includes your SSN and
> they have a total cash transaction at least on your primary
> expenses.

Wrong. I go in once a week and pull out money in a lump sum. I then budget
that money myself. The only thing they have is a sequence of deposits from
paychecks and withdrawals to cash.

>  if you have "consulting" income which can be
> converted to cash, and dont deposit it, then you can do you
> 'high on the hawg' living with the cash --until they bring
> the IRS CID along and look at your 'imputed' income which is
> almost indefensible in their kangaroo courts.

I either take the fees in check and deposit them or else take 'in kind'
trade (eg I did a job if installing Win95 for a customer on some laptops
he'd bought via auction. There was a Tadpole 3XP Sparcbook on there. I took
it for my fee).

> >I'm going to go tomorrow and buy a new laptop at around $1500. 
>     what are you getting for $1500? out here in the boonies 
>     we dont see those kind of prices.

Looks like a Toshiba Satellite 445CTX (133MHz Pentium).

>     well, in the first place, you live in Texas where the
>     attitude to the Feds is rather strong --not as strong as our
>     attitude in rural Utah where the usual transaction is in
>     cash.  out here, a Fed is the same as a revenuer in Eastern
>     Kentucky or Tennessee.  reminds me of the Fed approaching a
>     child and telling him he'd give him $5 if he took him to his
>     father (still) --the boy asked for the money up front. when
>     the Fed asked why, the boy said: "...'cause you aint coming 
>     back".

You don't know Texas or Texans very well...

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