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Re: The Continued Attack on Cash (Was: "The Right of Anonymity"...)


on or about 980202:1312, in <[email protected]>, 
    Jim Choate <[email protected]> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

>>     well, in the first place, you live in Texas where the
>>     attitude to the Feds is rather strong --not as strong as our
>>     attitude in rural Utah where the usual transaction is in
>>     cash.  out here, a Fed is the same as a revenuer in Eastern
>>     Kentucky or Tennessee.  reminds me of the Fed approaching a
>>     child and telling him he'd give him $5 if he took him to his
>>     father (still) --the boy asked for the money up front. when
>>     the Fed asked why, the boy said: "...'cause you aint coming 
>>     back".

>You don't know Texas or Texans very well...

    well, I do, real well  --but you dont know rural Utahns.

    in reality, it's probably a tradeoff.  one of the reasons the
    Democrats use Utah as a dumping ground or national park is we dont
    give them any votes. you also need to remember that the first
    day of deer hunting season here is a holiday --and the number 
    of firearms/capita leads the nation --keep in mind how many kids
    us Mormons have --5 is considered a slacker....

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Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
