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Fwd: e-commerce and rights management list

This showed up on a bunch of lists, not including cypherpunks or
cryptography; Phil Agre added some interesting commentary and
sent it to the Red Rock Eater list so I'm forwarding that version.

>From: Phil Agre <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: e-commerce and rights management
>X-URL: http://communication.ucsd.edu/pagre/rre.html
>X-Mailing-List: <[email protected]> archive/latest/1815
>[When Judie sent me the announcement for her new mailing list on practical
>aspects of deploying rights management and e-commerce technologies, I
>was incredulous that such a list doesn't already exist.  She persuaded me
>by means of the following catalog of related lists, which may be of some
>interest.  I assume that you can track down subscription info with the
>standard search tools.  encryption/certificates: ieft-pkix, ieft-open-pgp,
>ieft-ldapext, cert-talk, spki, kerberos, dcsb, alice; digital signatures:
>temple, california, georgia, texas; copyright: cni-copyright, ecup; legal:
>cyberia, law-ipr, euro-lex; rights: cyber-rights, web-rights; e-commerce:
>e-commerc, ica, e-payments; digital libraries: liblicensing, diglib, ifla.]
>This message was forwarded through the Red Rock Eater News Service (RRE).
>Send any replies to the original author, listed in the From: field below.
>You are welcome to send the message along to others but please do not use
>the "redirect" command.  For information on RRE, including instructions
>for (un)subscribing, send an empty message to  [email protected]
>Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 12:36:26 -0500 (EST)
>From: Judie Mulholland <[email protected]>
>Subject: announcing E-CARM, a new mailing list (fwd)
>	      Announcing the creation of a new mailing list:
>This mailing list has been established to foster and support an on-line
>discussion forum where we can:
>	* debate (non) technical, administrative and managerial issues
>   	  pertaining to: secure transactions, competing rights management 
>	  models (e.g. ECMS, PICS, certificates, FIRM, etc.), evolving
>	  standards, supporting technologies and other approaches for
>	  enabling electronic commerce;
>	* inform each other about upcoming conferences, workshops, etc.
>	* point to online papers, resources/links, new apps, web
>	  sites, etc.
>	* identify the critical factors relevant to design, development
>	  and implementation of a rights management infrastructure;
>	* raise questions, share problems, relate concerns;
>	* share success/horror stories;
>	* and much, much more ...
>If you are interested in subscribing to this list, please send a message
><[email protected]>
>with the following line in body of the message (NOT the subject):
>subscribe e-carm "FirstName LastName" (without the quotation marks)
>and after you are notified that you have been subbed, we would ask that
>you send a short note to the list, briefly introducing yourself and your
>interests in e-commerce and rights management so that we can begin to come
>together as a community of shared interest(s).
>E-CARM is intended to be a member-driven, open, collaborative mailing
>list. However, its success in creating a viable on-line forum will
>depend on individual contributions. As a step in this direction, we
>encourage you to share this announcement with other mailing lists or
>anyone who may be interested in getting involved.
>Looking forward to seeing all of you on E-CARM,
>Judie Mulholland
>Rajiv Kaushik
>List Moderators
Bill Stewart, [email protected]
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639