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Re: Fingerprinting in CA [was Whoa: British SmartCard rollout]

   >   From [email protected] Fri Feb  6 18:50:28 1998
   >   >>   How did you CA cypherpunks feel about being fingerprinted?
   >   Well, if I'd been thinking about it, I'd have put some rubber cement and
   >   whiteout on my thumb before getting the license :-)

   >   More the issue at the time was that the politicians were
   >   busy deciding that your ability to drive safely obviously depended
   >   on whether your citizenship papers were in order (the month
   >   I got it they'd temporarily stopped doing that.)

But it is being rolled out all over, state-by-state, never a vote.

They don't have problems with illegal aliens in Georgia, USA.

A mercifully brief CM excerpt:
*   Dr. Linda Thompson:
*   YOUR STATE IS NEXT AND DON'T THINK OTHERWISE.  Sandia and other defense
*   contractors, without a war elsewhere, are OUT OF WORK, so they're
*   creating job security for themselves by helping fascists wage war in the
*   United States on us and our rights!!
*   Georgia, Texas and Oregon ALREADY require fingerprints for licenses.
>   California is already fingerprinting drivers, and many places outside of
>   the US are creating identity cards with barcoded information.
>   Also, AmSouth and Compass Banks will soon introduce fingerprinting of
>   people who cash checks and have no account with their bank.  This is
>   now standard practice in Texas and will soon be nation-wide.


It's like Wired magazine reported: the NSA is behind it all.

The DMV records are online 24 hours for FBI access.

   >   I recently renewed the license, and they didn't ask for papers
   >   or thumbprints...

They already got your number.

When will some group express organized opposition to this?

   Your fingerprint tattoo.