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Re: PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments
>X-Sender: [email protected]
>Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 12:03:26 -0800
>To: Eric Cordian <[email protected]>, [email protected]
>From: Tim May <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments
>Sender: [email protected]
>Reply-To: Tim May <[email protected]>
>X-Loop: [email protected]
>This is why I cheered to see the U.S. gets its tail kicked in Somalia and
>have to retreat in disgrace. Alas, the U.S. planners just looked for
>another war, one we could "win," and they found a bombed out Bosnia to be
>the perfect place to "restore our dignity."
>Amerika the Fascist.
>--Tim May
You know Tim, I respect most of what you write, and I respect you in that
you have your own free will and opinions and the right to express them, but
what you have forgotten in your anarchistic ravings is that PEOPLE DIED IN
SOMALIA, including a personal friend of mine. They were all somebody's
son, brother, and friend. These soldiers went where they were ordered to
go, as befits a soldier, and tried to do the job they were given and
accomplish the mission, and for that EVERY ONE OF THEM DESERVES Y O U R
RESPECT. I am quite sure the vast majority of them thought it was patently
stupid to go to Somalia in the first place, but a soldier follows orders,
legal ones, and tries to get the job done regardless of personal feelings.
The next time you "cheer to see the U.S. gets its tail kicked", why don't
you think about the American troops who lost their lives or were maimed, or
who were doing something they may have been personally and morally against,
but they chose to be professional soldiers, and instead of displaying
cowardice, they tried to do what was asked of them. Think of the innocent
civilians who inevitably die in the conflicts started by the megalomaniacs
like Saddam Hussein. If you want to blame someone, and you bellow
endlessly in every letter you write about blaming someone, why don't you
blame the politicians who start the wars, who run the countries and step
all over their own people, instead of the people who are made to do the
dirty work?
Your "cheering" was a blatant slap in the face to anyone who has ever
served in uniform, and my only hope is that you will think about who should
really deserve your ire next time before you so recklessly blurt it out.
A lot of people like what you have to say most of the time, including me,
but with the right to our freedom of speech comes a responsibility to speak
wisely, which is something we could all strive to be better at, don't you
Eric Tune