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Re: Anthrax--The Horsemen are Riding

Yet another wrong call by Tim "Chicken Little" May:

>CNN is reporting a news flash, with few details, about two men being
>arrested in Las Vegas for making or possessing or planning to make
>anthrax. Details should be emerging, but I have a hunch it's a witch
>hunt, an invocation of the Four Horsement, to drum up support for
>Clinton's Dirty Little War.

Nonsense.  This has nothing to do with Saddam.  These men are from the
Aryan Nation, a militia group (and one which Tim secretly supports, being
a strong believer in Aryan superiority).  No wonder he is upset, when
his favorite racists are shown to be just another bunch of terrorists,
willing to kill innocents to promote their hate-filled cause.

>"Find us some jimbells we can show to the American public as proof that
>an undeclared, unsupported war with Iraq is justified."

How incoherent can you get?  How on earth can terrorism by the militias
be related to the war in Iraq?  Jeez, what an idiot.

>Wanna bet they also bring crypto in this media circus?

This would be funny if it weren't so sad.  And you guys really _respect_
someone who would write this nonsense?

It's a sad story when the one who is supposed to be the brains of the
group is this stupid.