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Re: PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments


on or about 980219:2004, in <v0310280eb112ae1ab77c@[]>, 
    Tim May <[email protected]> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

    [snip the dead issues on gloating...]

>And as for the thread name here, "PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments,
>it's reprehensible that the U.S. is pushing a "peace process" which
>condones this kind of censorship. Better to just let the Arabs fight the
>Jews, without any funding from U.S. slave-taxpayer-units. If the Arabs
>kill all the Jews I'll say it was a really, really stupid ideas for a
>bunch of Jews from Poland and Germany and Russia to go kick out a bunch
>of "sand niggers" and "ragheads" and not expect retribution to someday
    they figure Britain owes Israel to them to atone for Brit   
    guilt for refusing to let them leave Germany for Palestine
    before Hitler reduced the number available to make the trip.

    and since Britain cant go it by themselves anymore, and the
    US has over 50% of the Zionists in the world --Russia being
    in second place-- the 10% of the Zionists in Palestine wag
    the US dog to protect them from "the barbarian Arabs" 
    (their attitude, not mine).

    the argument that Israel is the only true friend to the US
    in the Middle East is pure bullshit; with friends like 
    Israel who take our technology and either steal it directly 
    or reverse engineer it and sell it to China, Iran, South
    Africa who sells to China, etc. --who needs enemies. 

    the Israeli governments have double crossed U.S. interests 
    at most every point --they are a liability. if the U.S. had
    not acquiesced, under pressure of U.S. Zionist and general 
    WWII guilt, to Britain's division of Palestine, the Middle
    East would not be the problem it is --the Arabs plus the 
    Iranians (Farsi, not Arabs) would never have been able to 
    find a common unifying factor --and hate the US accordingly
    for its virtually unquestioning support of Israel.

    the U.S. should withdraw support from both sides of divided
    Palestine and let nature take its course. save the U.S. $5 
    billion dollars in acknowledged aid to Israel every year
    plus whatever amount is hidden in the black budgets, etc.
    plus the additional billions they raise from the guilt 
    ridden American Zionists.

    if there were no Israel, maybe the U.S. Zionists would 
    become Americans rather than Zionists first and residents of
    the U.S. second. if the really rabid ones wont shut up, give
    them an AR16, 200 rounds, and a ticket...

>Oh, and spare me the typical Zionist rhetoric about how "YHWH" or
>Whatever It's Damned Name Is "promised" this land to the Jews, despite
>their Polish or Russian or Ukrainian residency and genetics for thousands
>of years.

    me too...

>Fucking religious fruitcakes.

    you bet, but more than that, it's a class of discordant 
    freeloaders whose interests supersede those of the hand 
    that feeds and protect them.

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Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
