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Re: PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments


In <v0310280eb112ae1ab77c@[]>, on 02/19/98 
   at 08:04 PM, Tim May <[email protected]> said:

>And as for the thread name here, "PLO censoring pro-Iraqi sentiments,
>it's reprehensible that the U.S. is pushing a "peace process" which
>condones this kind of censorship. Better to just let the Arabs fight the
>Jews, without any funding from U.S. slave-taxpayer-units. If the Arabs
>kill all the Jews I'll say it was a really, really stupid ideas for a
>bunch of Jews from Poland and Germany and Russia to go kick out a bunch
>of "sand niggers" and "ragheads" and not expect retribution to someday

>Oh, and spare me the typical Zionist rhetoric about how "YHWH" or
>Whatever It's Damned Name Is "promised" this land to the Jews, despite
>their Polish or Russian or Ukrainian residency and genetics for thousands
>of years.

Well the polotics of the middle east and the history of the Jews both in
and out of Israel are much more convoluted that Tim and other would make
it out to be.

I find it quite intresting how members will bemone the plight of the
Plaistinians in Israel yet no one ever mentions the fact that 80% of the
population of Jordan is Palistinian. Nor do they mention the reasons *why*
the PLO was operating out of Lebanon in the 70's and early 80's (for those
of you who don't know it's because they tried to overthrow the government
in Jordan and the King sent the troops out to slaughter them.) Nor is
there any mention that historically there was never any county of
Palistine until the British created it out of what was known as
Trans-Jordan which again was a creation of the British after the defete of
the Ottoman Empire (the Turks for the less informed) durring WWI. Lets not
forget that the British promised both the Jews and the Palistinians their
own country (unfortunatly they promised them both the same peice of land).
And god forbid no one ever mentions the fact that the UN created both a
State of Israel and a State of Palistine in 1945 and the Palistinians
rather than declare thier independence and form a governemnt joined with
the rest of the Arab states in going to war against the Jews currently
living in Palistine. They then were promptly handed their asses by the
Israelies *without* help from the British or the US (as an intresting side
note it was the Russians who were the first to reconise the State of
Israel not any of the western governments).

Now some may wish to extend the lame argument that the British didn't have
the right to carve up the middle east nor did the Jews have the right to
immegrate to Israel. Well the simple fact of the matter is that *every*
country in exsistance today has been created by one group of people
conquering another. All the countries of North *and* South America were
formed that way. The empires of the Incas and Aztecs were formed the same
way. The various tribes of North America gaind control of their "huntting
grounds" by taking them away from those that were there before.

So wine and cry all you want about Israel and the Evil Zionist but they
have the strongest military in the area (and one of the best skilled in
the world) and they have a shitload of Nukes. They ain't going anywhere
with or without any help from the US. (for those of you silly enough to
think the US should force them out or let the Russian backed Arabs do the
job I sugest a reading of the Masada Plan).

- -- 
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