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Letting Israel Twist Slowly in the Desert Wind
At 8:48 PM -0800 2/19/98, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>I find it quite intresting how members will bemone the plight of the
>Plaistinians in Israel yet no one ever mentions the fact that 80% of the
>population of Jordan is Palistinian. Nor do they mention the reasons *why*
So? The land taken from a Palestinian farmer and given to a Polish Jew, for
example, remains his, morally. That a neighboring country has many persons
similar to him does not reduce his loss.
80% of Oregon is Aryan, just as I am. And yet if a bunch of Jews, for
example, kicked me off my land, land I had title to, and I fled to Oregon
to live in a tent, I'd still be fighting those who kicked me off my land.
Even if the Jewish Grand Foofah declared that God had "given" California to
the Jews 3000 years ago.
Oregon is under no obligation to absorb the Aryans kicked out of California
by the Jews. And the farm or land lost is still lost, regardless of any
"absorbtion." The canard about how Jordan is racially similar to the
Palestinians is neither here nor there...the Palestinian farmer who used to
grow oranges in Jaffa is hardly satisfied to learn that his land has been
stolen by a Polish Jew, but that neighboring Jordan has a lot of
(BTW, I use the word Aryan in place of the word Caucasian, which is no
longer in scientific use, and was a dumb characterization of Aryans,
anyway. )
>the PLO was operating out of Lebanon in the 70's and early 80's (for those
>of you who don't know it's because they tried to overthrow the government
>in Jordan and the King sent the troops out to slaughter them.) Nor is
>there any mention that historically there was never any county of
>Palistine until the British created it out of what was known as
Who cares if their was a nation-state or not? Just give them back their
land. Period. Nation-states are a modern creation anyway.
>Trans-Jordan which again was a creation of the British after the defete of
>the Ottoman Empire (the Turks for the less informed) durring WWI. Lets not
>forget that the British promised both the Jews and the Palistinians their
>own country (unfortunatly they promised them both the same peice of land).
>And god forbid no one ever mentions the fact that the UN created both a
>State of Israel and a State of Palistine in 1945 and the Palistinians
>rather than declare thier independence and form a governemnt joined with
>the rest of the Arab states in going to war against the Jews currently
>living in Palistine. They then were promptly handed their asses by the
>Israelies *without* help from the British or the US (as an intresting side
>note it was the Russians who were the first to reconise the State of
>Israel not any of the western governments).
I agree it's a mess. So why is the U.S. sending $5 billion a year extorted
from American slave-units to subsidize Israel's military and lifestyle, and
about as much to Egypt to subsidize whatever corruptions it favors?
I say pull out, stop the funding, and let American Jews send their money if
they want to. Let the Arabs and Jews fight it out. Just don't require me to
pay for it or to pay for soldiers to be sent to defend one side or the
And use crypto and suchlike to destabilize the Zionist regime in various ways.
>Now some may wish to extend the lame argument that the British didn't have
>the right to carve up the middle east nor did the Jews have the right to
>immegrate to Israel. Well the simple fact of the matter is that *every*
>country in exsistance today has been created by one group of people
>conquering another. All the countries of North *and* South America were
>formed that way. The empires of the Incas and Aztecs were formed the same
>way. The various tribes of North America gaind control of their "huntting
>grounds" by taking them away from those that were there before.
Whatever the history lesson, all I ask is that slave labor (taxes) not be
used over there, nor that cannon fodder be sent over there to die.
--Tim May
Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside"
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.