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Re: Letting Israel Twist Slowly in the Desert Wind

It's interesting that there has been much effort recently to return
property stolen in the '30s and '40s by Nazis and communists to the
descendents of the original owners.  For example a Romanian friend
recently got his family farm back.  And then there is the "Swiss/Nazi 
gold" thing.  But, so far, I haven't heard many calls for refunds and
property returns in the middle east.


On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, it was written:

> >Now some may wish to extend the lame argument that the British didn't have
> >the right to carve up the middle east nor did the Jews have the right to
> >immegrate to Israel. Well the simple fact of the matter is that *every*
> >country in exsistance today has been created by one group of people
> >conquering another. All the countries of North *and* South America were
> >formed that way. The empires of the Incas and Aztecs were formed the same
> >way. The various tribes of North America gaind control of their "huntting
> >grounds" by taking them away from those that were there before.