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Re: Fight ECHELON while the topic is hot!

   >   From [email protected] Tue Feb 24 11:15:11 1998
   >   >It is *you* who are advocating being a "sheeple"!!!
   >   No not at all I just don't have any pie-in-the-sky daydreams that it will
   >   mean squat! I have better things to do with my time than dealing with a
   >   news media who's highest goal is to sell more tampons and toilet paper to
   >   the sheeple.

I said to go for it and *try* for results.

If you want to act like a disgruntled old Andy Rooney and
say "it won't make any difference", fine, but why drag
down everyone else?

The EU, not just anybody, but the EU, is talking
about massive NSA spying via ECHELON!

   Turn up the heat.