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ascii art is not a digital signature (Re: Cypherpunk Policeman?)

Guy <[email protected]> writes:
>    >   From [email protected] Tue Feb 24 18:55:45 1998
>    >
>    >   You sure?  I mean it could as easily as not been someone spoofing him,
>    >   what with the various anonymous mails, etc., that you reported.
> It is a blatant obviousity.
> [series of ascii art posts posted via different remailer addresses,
> and bwalk.dm.com email addresses]

It is not at all obvious.  You seem to be under the illusion that an
ascii art image is some kind of digital signature.

> Traffic analysis simply means convincing one or more people
> that it's the same person...

Doesn't prove anything.

Here to make the point, I'll use one of your magic digital signature
ascii arts which somehow proves incontrovertably that the post was
made by Dimitri.  

Am I Dimitri too now?

            -ooO-(_) Ooo-- Guy Polis