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oil, Re: Citizenship silliness. Re: e$: crypto-expatriatism (fwd)

Raymond D. Mereniuk wrote:
> > oil, the arabs will slip back into obscurity.
Can't wait.

> Good point!  Ever wonder why a decreasing commodity non-
> renewable resource is becoming cheaper as the known reserves
> become smaller?
> Maybe they want to sell it all before it becomes obsolete and
> maximize their income from that resource.
> Within the oil business I have heard this mentioned in regards to
> natural gas.
I remember going to hear a Cornell geophysicist speak on this subject
about 17 years ago. The gist of his talk was that the porosity of the
mantle material had some unexpected variation vs. depth. This, along
with the nature of the natural gas fields in Louisiana and the content
profile of some oil reserves indicated a large amount of natural gas
reserves as part of the deeper structure. I don't know where this ever
went but it was pretty interesting at the time.
