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Re: Computer hard disc scanning by HM Customs & Excise

Bill Stewart wrote:
> >> > Just set the BIOS not to boot to floppy,
> >> If the customs people have any clue, the first thing they do
> >> is hit DEL at the appropriate BIOS prompt
> >I think you give them WAY too much credit, not to mention many systems
> >give no such prompt. But highly suspect if anything they will check the
> >BIOS *after* first not being able to boot to floppy successfully.
> Any tax-collector who's illiterate enough to ask "Do you have Internet
> on your computer" is probably not going to know what's happening,
> especially given the disparity of system boot behaviour.
> Some things may get their attention, like the sound card yelling
>         "Begin destruct sequence!  10, 9, 8, 7....."
> or, more politely,
>         "Stop, thief!  Help, someone is stealing this computer!"
> or      "Virus detected.  Please remove the infected diskette
>         and contact corporate security for further instructions"
> but your basic subtleties like a Linux boot screen and
> copying the diskette to backup and then wiping it are
> beyond the typical border guard's technical training, and
> don't smell interesting enough to get his dog's attention
> (unless there's a good high-pitched tone as well.)
> I may post a more thoughtful article about the offensiveness of this
> practice or the technical cluelessness, but for now I'll just
> rant about the sheer folly of allowing anybody to touch your computer
> whose primary training is in Shouting and looking for people who
> match profiles, like Irish accents or obvious wealth or obvious poverty.
The practice is as offensive as the KGB-like DWI roadblocks but don't be
so hasty to assume the long-term incompetence of the federales in any
country. If the interest in scanning PC's persists, or *dammit*
increases, there will be increased funding and somebody who is
technically capable will provide more sophisticated analysis tools.
Period. Better get used to it. I doubt the issue will just go away.
Design your CM accordingly.
