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MAIL: remailer list

The only change to the list is a new section briefly describing three
other services: Miron Cuperman's, Matt Ghio's, and Jay Prime


Cypherpunk anonymous remailers, 4/1/94

Q1: What are the anonymous remailers?

 1: [email protected]
 2: [email protected]
 3: [email protected]
 4: [email protected]
 5: [email protected]
 6: [email protected]
 7: [email protected]
 8: [email protected]
 9: [email protected]
10: [email protected]
11: [email protected]


1-4		no encryption of remailing requests
5-11		support encrypted remailing requests
11		special - header and message must be encrypted together
8,10,11		introduce larger than average delay (not direct connect)
1,2,8,10,11  	running on privately owned machines
3		features USENET posting
11		features anonymous pools


Q2: What help is available?

Look in ftp://soda.berkeley.edu/pub/cypherpunks/remailer
(soda.berkeley.edu =

chain.zip             - program that helps with using remailers
dosbat.zip            - MSDOS batch files that help with using remailers
hal's.instructions.gz - in depth instruction on how to use
hal's.remailer.gz     - remailer code
pubkeys.tar.gz        - public keys of remailers which support encryption
pubkeys.zip           - MSDOS zip file of public keys
scripts.tar.gz        - scripts that help with using remailers

Or try to gopher to chaos.bsu.edu and look in 
"Anonymous Mail"/Remailer Instructions"


Q3.  Other Services:

  1. Miron Cuperman's anonymous pool.

     To subscribe, send mail to [email protected].

     Mail sent to [email protected] will be sent to all
     subscribers of the anonymous pool.

  2. Matt Ghio's pseudo-account remailer.

     Send mail to [email protected]

     You will receive an encrypted mail address of the form
       [email protected]

     Mail sent to this address will be forwarded to you.

  3. Jay Prime Positive's mail pool
     Send mail to [email protected], and the mail will be
     encrypted with the key matching 0x123456, and sent to alt.test
     with a subject line of "Ignore 0x123456"

     To add a key, send to [email protected].  The body of the
     message should contain the public key in pgp format.  If there is
     a key clash, a message with the subject "Ignore jpp=poolnew key
     already in use"


Q4.  Email-to-Usenet gateways?

 1: [email protected]
 2: [email protected]
 3: [email protected]
 4: [email protected]
 5: [email protected]
 6: [email protected]


*  This does not include ones that work for single groups, like twwells.com.
*  Remember to include a Subject: with your post, may cause failures
   if missing
#6 blocks from non-berkeley sites (so use the berkeley remailers :-)


This is the remailer.data file I use with pingmail, a script for
pinging anonymous remailers:

01:n:[email protected]
02:n:[email protected]
03:n:[email protected]
04:n:[email protected]
05:y:[email protected]
06:y:[email protected]
07:y:[email protected]
08:y:[email protected]
09:y:[email protected]
10:y:[email protected]
11:s:[email protected]

Version: 2.3a
